Everyone has good and bad days. Life is unexpected, and you never know what you’re going to get. When the bad days come around, they can bring on negative feelings that can be difficult to manage. Shame can be one of those feelings, and can leave one feeling not less than or not good enough.
Feelings of shame typically come on after someone makes a decision that isn’t in line with their own values or beliefs. Someone can experience feelings of shame associated with their appearance, behavior, or insecurities. Let’s learn more about how someone can cope with feelings of shame.
Accept and Acknowledge Your Shame
The longer you try to push away those feelings of shame, the longer you won’t feel the best about yourself. One of the best things you can do when it comes to any type of emotion is to actually allow yourself to feel it. If you keep trying to push how you feel deep, down inside of yourself, those emotions will eventually build up, and you won’t have a choice but to acknowledge them no matter the circumstance. The sooner you accept that you’re feeling a certain way, the sooner you’ll be able to work through those feelings.
Learn More About the Cause of Your Shame
Recognizing the specific event or situation that caused your feelings of shame can help you work towards finding a solution. Once you recognize what is causing these feelings of shame, you’ll be able to work towards finding out how you can move forward again.
Write in a Journal
Journaling can help you filter all of those thoughts, emotions, and feelings that are weighing you down. Write everything on the pages of a notebook instead of trying to hold everything in. Journaling can be a great tool to use at the moment those feelings of shame occur, but it can also be a great tool to look back on later to better understand what and why you were going through something.
Practice Mindfulness Techniques
A lot of anxiety and feelings of shame can stem from past events. Bringing your body back to the present moment can be a great way to help keep you grounded and feeling like you’re in control again. Mindfulness helps you stay in the present moment instead of having your mind wander to past events. There are many different techniques out there to help you practice mindfulness, so you’ll have to try a few out and see what works best for you. Here are some great mindfulness techniques to start with:
Body scan
Deep breathing
Go for a walk outside
Lean On Your Loved Ones
The feeling of shame can make you feel extremely alone. Although it’s easier said than done, it’s important to surround yourself with loved ones, especially if you’re feeling shameful in any way. The longer you go on without support from family and friends, the longer these feelings may continue. Connections with others can help your body and brain become healthier and more positive from the inside out.
Seek Additional Support
While shame is a common and even normal feeling, it’s not one that anyone should be struggling with on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. If you or a loved one are being hard on yourselves or struggling with feelings of shame, it’s important to seek additional support as soon as you can. The longer these feelings continue, the worse those signs and symptoms could become. It’s time to take back control over your life again. We’re here to help you when you’re ready.
Therapy can be a great way to take back control, become more aware of one’s self, and help to develop healthy coping mechanisms. Reach out today to set up a consultation.
Through Therapy Collective
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